Arizona SF/F and related clubs
(by Jim Strait)
Disclaimer: The attempt is to make note of Science Fiction fan organizations
in the state of Arizona. Many organizations may be excluded. This is not
intentional and does not imply any preferences. WHEN WRITING A CLUB, PLEASE
Send corrections to Jim Strait
So you live in North Phoenix and are interested in anime? Well there is
a club out there available for you people.
Across Plus is a social club that discuses anime, video games, manga,
other animation, and the Japanese culture. We meet at Bookman’s on 19th
Ave and Northern On Sundays at 7:00pm until 9:00pm. In general, we explore
anime, manga, and other styles of animation, creative educative demonstrations,
participate in interactive discussions, attend local Arizona conventions,
and make cosplay.
We are willing to gain any new members out there who are interested.
Dues are only $2 per month. Our members are very friendly, respectful,
and fun. We welcome any and all. For more information, contact Shane Bryner
A medieval and renaissance recreationist club. Swordfighting, arts, banquets,
masquerades, dances. Meets every Wednesday night from 7-1Opm at Encanto
Park. All are welcome. Free. For details, call (602) 582-6990.
Web: A collaboration
of computer gaming enthusiasts, the Arizona LANbashers League throws quarterly
LANparty events. Between parties, support is given to local groups who
wish to advertise their own gatherings. We have no set genre of games and
play anything from strategy games to first-person shooters to driving/flying
simulations. No annual membership is required and admission to an event
ranges from $5-$15. See our webpage for current events.
We are a highly trained, non-profit paranormal investigation group.
Even though our investigations are science based with the intention of
finding a natural cause to supernatural activity, we also believe that
there are things beyond our current level of understanding. Arizona
Paranormal Investigations has been serving Arizona and the Southwest since
Web Site:
You can contacts by e-mail at:
The Away Team, is a general sci-fi appreciation group that meets once a
month for discussion of various sci-fi news regarding several mediums to
include: television, movies, video, books, comics, magazines, collecting,
and so forth. The meetings are comprised of news, review and comment, BBS/computer
news and help, meeting new members, video presentations, games, and socializing
fun! Food and drinks are provided, via a $3 munchie fee (per meeting) to
compensate the host. (No other fees are involved.) The electronic home
of the Away Team, is the Lightspeed Space Station BBS at (520) 325-6674....
Member ages for the group range from 13-40-something with both male and
female members. Other activities include null-modem link gamefests, group
theater movie viewings, convention trips and more. Have sci-fi fun in a
relaxed, low-structure environment. NO RUBBER EARS ALLOWED!! For questions,
you can call the BBS, or write to: LSS c/o R. Martin; 2522 N. Sparkman
Blvd.; Tucson, AZ 85716
Baja Arizona Science Fiction Association, a non-profit organization. Puts
on TUS-CON Convention annually.
The non-profit corporation that puts on CopperCon conventions, SmurfCons,
HexaCons, occasional regional cons, and publishes ConNotations. Best described
as SF/F generalists with a strong bent towards literary SF/F. Guests welcome
- meets at 8pm on the last Friday of each month in January thru September
and the second Friday in October, November and December at Denny's Restaurant
located at 2360 W Northern Ave (Northern Ave just east of I-17 on the
north side of the street), Phoenix AZ 85021.
For more information write PO Box 62613, Phoenix, AZ 85082-2613.
check our web site at or email us at
Celtic Reenactment of Fellowship and Trades is Phoenix based Reenactment
group specializing in the western European renaissance. We research lifestyles
and trades concurrent with the Celtic Peoples from 400 BC until 1746 AD.
We emphasize Scots, Irish or Welsh crafts and do Celtic re-enactment. We
open participation to anyone with an interest in period crafting and entertainment.
Demonstrations occur at the Highland Games, Scarborough Fair, and the Arizona
Renaissance Festival. Web page We meet in Tempe
at the Pyle Adult Center SW corner of Rural and Southern on the 2nd Saturday
of every month, phone number (480) 350-5211. The Board meeting will be
at 2:00 pm with the General meeting starting at 2:30 pm.
(Därk-wunz) n. 1) An organization formed for the expression and exploration
of various cultural themes including, but not limited to, the Dark Ages
and the Renaissance through forms of art including, but not limited to,
painting, drawing, writing, photography, spoken word, and acts of characterization.
2) a member of this organization. 3) Information available at (602) 978-9314.
Web page:
Arizona's first and longest-running Elfquest fan club. Daystar meets to
talk about EQ and related stuff, develop characters, publish stories in
our 'zine Playelf and create an annual calendar. Other common interests
include music, bellydance, camping and of course, SF. Membership is free
(18 or over) and is attained by group vote after you attend two meetings
or holt-related get-togethers. Meetings are usually the first Saturday
of each month; for more info, call Tom or Janice at (602) 581-2258.
The Dune Sea Garrison is the Arizona chapter of the international Star
Wars costuming club known as the 501st Legion. With over 3,000 members
worldwide, the 501st, while not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., is Lucasfilm's
preferred Imperial costuming group. Members of the Dune Sea Garrison
strive to create movie quality, screen accurate costumes of the "bad guys"
from the Star Wars Universe. From Stromtroopers to Boba Fett, from Jawas
to Darth Vader we strive for quality and accuracy in every costume we create.
SF generalists with some focus on comics and environmental issues. Meets
at various conventions and occasions. Publishes a quarterly newsletter
called Cosmic Wavelengths. For information contact them at 8508 E. San
Lorenzo, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, or call Nohl Rosen at (602) 991-8847.
The Empire of Chivalry and Steel specializes in the general recreation
of the culture of the Middle Ages including all of the Art Forms, Events
(Feasts, Tournaments, Ceremonies and Wars) and Combat Arts covering the
years of 800AD up to 1650AD and any location within Europe or its explored
territories. If you are interested in joining the ECS you may contact us
with your Name, Address, Phone Number and Full E-Mail Address and participate
for 3 months free. Contact Viscount Sir
Largo Eximas of Kenyon in Phoenix, AZ or Baron
Sir William Colin Smith in Glendale, AZ
One of the two Phoenix area corporations that put on yearly conventions.
Best described as SF/F generalists with a main thrust into SF/F art. Guests
are welcome. The meetings are quarterly on the second Saturday of February,
May, August & November unless otherwise notified. August is the annual
meeting where board positions are determined. For more information, write
PO Box 26665, Tempe, AZ 85285 ; E-mail
Mike Willmoth; or call him at (480) 945-6890.
Web page:
The Men in Black is the official global organization of field operatives
for Steve Jackson Games. We attend local conventions to demonstrate and
promote products of Steve Jackson Games. We also schedule demos in local
gaming stores as well as community service events. If you have a
gaming store, convention, or community service that you would like to have
official Steve Jackson Games representation at, please contact the MIB
Arizona Cell. Leader at We are also recruiting
new MIBs in some areas of Arizona. If you’re interested, contact us.
The MVD Ghostchasers are one of the original three paranormal organizations
in Arizona still in operation under the same director and team for nearly
13 years. The team was founded in 1995 and based out of Mesa, AZ.
The majority of the members are either employees or past employees of the
State of AZ Motor Vehicle Division. Ghost hunting has become a second skin
to almost all of them---and at times they have been dubbed the Scooby Doo
entourage. They take their paranormal investigations seriously, but
are not against making ghost-hunting fun, too. This group has team
members who are experts and experienced in various studies of the paranormal
field. Through continued research and education, The MVD Ghostchasers
have earned the trust and respect of other paranormal investigators. They
follow paranormal protocol guidelines seriously, which makes them one of
the most credible and valued teams in Arizona and the United States. The
leader and founder of the crew, Debe Branning, has organized investigations,
seminars and lectures, and has arranged several haunted road trips across
the state and beyond. They offer quarterly Spirit Photography Workshops
for Arizona's paranormal investigators and beginning ghost hunters.
E-Mail Debe Branning:
Phone: (480) 969-4049
Web site:
PAReX is a non-profit, just for fun organization dedicated to the proliferation
of robotics as a hobby. Monthly meetings will be held and will be announced
under the Meeting Information
page. All interested persons are invited to participate. We are currently
in the process of getting organized and becoming an official organization
with tax status.
Web page:
E-mail Contact:
Film society for classic SF/F film. Membership is $25 lifetime dues. PFFS
also rents projectors, films, and video tapes. Contact PFFS, Box 30423,
Phoenix, AZ 85067.
Local chapter of Japanimation/general animation oriented fans - meets monthly.
Membership is free, though optional monthly newsletter is $5/year or $.50
per month. Call Tom Perry at (602) 996-2196 or write 3241 E. Altadena,
Phoenix, AZ 85028.
A grass roots organization devoted to establishing support for colonizing
space and permanently returning to the moon. We sponsor a variety
of projects covering many diverse subjects. If you or your organization
is interested in asking one of our presenters to appear or to schedule
an event with your science class, please email
We meet every third Saturday at 3pm. Please check our website for locations
A Live Action Theatre Troupe based out of the ASU campus in Tempe, AZ.
It is dedicated to the game Werewolf: The Apocalypse by White Wolf publishing.
Contact Mike McLaughlin at (602)461-5842 or write 1730 W Emelita Place
#2025, Mesa AZ85202-3144 or email to
Role-players & Wargamers, Inc. is the Valley's oldest role-playing
and wargaming club. Currently meeting at Carrow's Restaurant at 7th Street
& Monte Vista in Phoenix every Sunday from 3pm-9pm (except during conventions
and other special events).
Open to new members - call (602) 849-9515.
The Samurai Otaku is a group of fans of anime, manga, and Japanese pop
culture. Meetings are held every Saturday night at 6pm at Samurai Comics,
5024 N. 7th St.. Members discuss anime and manga, work on a web comic,
discuss fund raisers, and schedule club events. After each meeting the
club views selected anime DVD’s and plays games. Open to new members.
Contact Moryha Banks— (602)265-8886, Email:
Meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Meeting at the Westridge
Mall (75th Ave. and Thomas Rd. Phoenix, AZ. The IFC is regimental (Using
Ranks and structured simmialrly to ST) but has social events as well. Attends
local Creation And Trek Production Cons, and ST Movie premiers. POC for
IFC is A/Fleet Admiral John Nelson (602) 934-3987 or by voice mail (602)
409-7169 or c/o P.O. box 14370 Phoenix, AZ 85063-4370.
E-Mail: Membership
Approx 35-50. The Bi-Monthly newsletter is "Cactus Log".
SFACE (Speculative Fiction And Computer Enthusiasts) is Phoenix College's
one and only connection to the worlds of speculative fiction, including
science fiction, fantasy, and horor as well as table top, live action and
internet gaming, SFACE also serves as a guide through the Internet - both
teaching basic use and utilizing as a source of speculative fiction. For
more info, contact
The kingdom of Atenveldt doth lie in the state of Arizona. Within the fair
kingdom can be found six Baronies: Atenveldt, Mons Tonitrus, Twin Moons,
SunDragon, tir Ysgithr and Ered Sul. For more informaton on any of these
or forgeneral information on thy past tomorrows thou mayest contact Duchess
amanda Edwin (Amanda norton) 13510 E 34th Place, Yuma AZ 85367 Voice (520)305-0775
FAX (520)305-1093 or Email:
Websites: or
The Southwest Costumers Guild is a loose organization of persons interested
in all facets of historical, cultural, science fiction, fantasy, and humor
costume. Members are often seen on stage at Science Fiction Convention
masquerades. SWCG is Arizona's chapter of the International Costume Guild.
Write to: PO Box 39504, Phoenix AZ 85069 or E-mail Randall
Web page:
Space Access Society's sole purpose is to promote radically cheaper access
to space, ASAP. We think it's possible within ten years, with a little
luck and a lot of hard work. Join us and help us make it happen! SAS membership
is $30 for one year, which gets you emailed Space Access Updates the instant
they pass final edit, plus discounts on our annual conference on the technology,
politics, and business of radically cheaper space transportation, featuring
leading players in the field.
Email us at:
Web page:
Tucson Arizona based Star Trek club. For info call Geof Wood at (520) 746-1822
or write Starbase Tucson ; 3314 E. Benson Hwy ; Tucson AZ 85706.
Arizona’s club for builders of model and high-power rockets and those who
love to see them fly. Launches are held on the second Saturday morning
of each month in Rainbow Valley. SSS hosts the annual G. Harry Stine Memorial
Rocket Launch every October. Visit
for membership information, directions to the launches and meetings, and
to read the monthly newsletter, “Newton’s Minutes.”
TARDIS is a Phoenix-based General SF/Fantasy Fan Club, specializing
in International media SF/Fantasy since 1983. TARDIS meets every two weeks
at different locations around the valley. You can contact us
at TARDIS ; 2243 W Wagon Wheel Dr ; Phoenix, Arizona 85021,
Voice Mail at (602) 864-0901,
or visit our World
Wide Web page at
Founded in 1993, T.H.E.M. exists to promote social interaction among fans
of science fiction and fantasy at ASU. While we're all fans of the genre,
we're more about the people and the socialization than we are about the
science fiction. We go out to dinner as a group after meetings, gather
at members' homes to watch anime, descend upon movie theaters for showings
of interest, play games, and sometimes even go bowling. T.H.E.M. meets
every Thursday at 5:30 pm (during the Fall and Spring semesters) in the
Memorial Union. Any member of the ASU community is welcome to show up.
For more information, check out our web site at
or email us at
E-Mail Address is
The "Tucson X-Philes" are an X-Files appreciation group that meets once
a month to socialize, discuss and review the program's episodes. There
is a newsletter that will be released before the next meeting (slated for
April 23). Currently, the newsletter fee is $2.00 per issue.) The electronic
home of the "Tucson X-Philes" is Lightspeed Space Station BBS (520*) 325-6674
(Tucson), in conference #7. (*Note the new area code for southern Arizona.)
There is currently no fee for membership in the group. As of March 12th,
the group had it's second meeting. Member ages range from 16-40-something,
with both male and female members. Those having questions, can call Joyce
Kleikamp in Tucson at (520) 883-2813. (Address upon request.)
The Tucson Fan Force is a group of like minded people that share a common
interest. Our love for the Science Fiction/Fantasy genre in general, and
STAR WARS in particular, is what has brought us together. We have no affiliation
whatsoever with George Lucas or LucasFilms Limited.
We use this group as a platform from which to socialize and share our
love of STAR WARS with Tucson and the Southern Arizona community. Our activities
are quite diverse, ranging from such topics as movie nights, book clubs,
and Role-Playing Games(RPGs) to fundraisers such as benefit walks, food
drives, and hospital visits to children's wards. This is all done on a
completely voluntary basis. While the Tucson Fan Force is not a costuming
group, and costumes are not required, we do have many members who are also
members of various national and international costuming groups. We will
continue to do what we can to make Tucson and all of Southern Arizona a
better place to live for everyone, but especially for the children, because
we believe that the message and lessons from STAR WARS are for the child
in each of our souls.
City: Tucson AZ
Updated: 12/99
Status: Club
Interests: Star Trek, Science Fiction, Babylon 5, Doctor Who, Alien
Nation, Star Wars, Klingons
An independent Prescott Arizona area Star Trek club. Meets twice a month
on the first Sunday and the first Wednesday of each month at members' apartments/houses.
Club does not have dues or newsletter yet. Meeting attendance is from 10
- 15. Uses a club uniform (or use any ST uniform). To contact write: The
United Federation of Deep Space 9 ; 8148 E. Lakeshore Drive Apt C ; Prescott
Valley, AZ 86314 Or call Mike at (520) 772-5456.
A Phoenix area Star Trek and general SciFi fan club. We are a social club
that meets every two weeks at various locations around the Phoenix area.
The UFP has been meeting for over 33 years of continuous activity. Dues
are $15/per year prorated when you join; no restrictions. Membership includes
membership roster and monthly newsletter. Come to any two meetings at no
obligation. For information, write the UFP at PO Box 37224, Phoenix, AZ
85069, or call Jim Strait at (602)
242-9203. E-mail:
A well-informed and very active Dr. Who club. $15 yearly membership includes
four issues of their fanzine - TARDIS Time Lore - written by semi-pros
and other dedicated fans. For more information, contact The United Whovians
of Tucson at P. O. Box 13541, Tucson, AZ 85732-3541. Also, you can contact
the president at or
the UWOT webmaster at
The USS Karme is the local Arizona chapter of Starfleet International. Built on friendship, fandom and fun, the Karme also focuses on personal growth for our members and community service to facilitate growth in our communities. Any and all are welcome, no matter what other fandoms or groups you may belong to! Keep On Trekkin' !
E-mail: Jonathan Connor at
Warriors of the Rose - Dagorhir is best described as a sport. Participants
dress in historical or fantasy garb and use foam weapons in mock battles.
Dagorhir is roughly based around the fall of the Roman Empire in the late
5th and early 6th century. For more information see the web page:
or call Lonnie, a.k.a. Lieutenant Hanse Grunnerson (Battle name) at (602)
(WesternSFA) A non-profit corporation that sponsors the ConRunners seminars
and sponsored the 2004 Westercon. Dedicated primarily to educational activities
relating to literature, music, and visual and performing arts, especially
in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, costuming, gaming and science.
Applicants for membership in WesternSFA must be sponsored by a current
active WesternSFA member. Dues are $10 yearly plus a $5 non-refundable
application fee. General Meetings are held on the first Friday of February,
May, August and November, at the Bookmans located at 19th ave. and Northern
in Phoenix Guests are welcome.
For more info contact Craig Dyer at WesternSFA, PO Box 67457, Phoenix
AZ 85082, (602) 973-2341,
Z-Philes are the ariZona x-PHILES. We maintain a mailing list for news
and get-togethers of fans of the X-Files living in Arizona. We get together
in both the Phoenix and Tucson areas.
To subscribe, send an empty message to
For more information contact