'72 Rules

Kingman High School Class of '72
Kingman, Arizona

50th Reunion September 9-10th 2022.

30 Year Reunion

Welcome to the Kingman Arizona KHS Class of 1972 reunion page.  Well the Class of '72 reunion happened on July 5-6, 2002.
I counted 36 classmates in attendance.  We also had spouses, children, grandchildren, and one teacher.  Gene Wolff also attended to reminisce.

If you are a member of the Kingman (AZ) High School class of 1972 and are also on Facebook, you might want to join the Class of '72 Facebook Group. The 40th is coming up.

In the Facebook group, Gary Rucker proposed the following for a 40th Anniversary Reunion:

Official Notice for Kingman High School Class of 1972: We have consensus and a firm plan. Saturday October 6, 2012, 4pm to midnight, 4550 Flightline Dr. Kingman Airport. Bring potluck (not pot) main and side dish, own drinks, chairs. I'll have a couple of grills going so you can cook what ya brung. Some cars from the carshow will be there and we"ll have music. Please help spred the word. I'll put an ad in the Miner and a PSA on the radio.


The rest is about the 30th Reunion a decade ago....

For those that attended, we asked everyone to fill out a questionnaire about themselves.  I have scanned them in to a file for you to review.  It is in Adobe Acrobat format.  If you do not have a reader intalled on your computer for this type file, use the Acrobat Reader icon below to get a free copy.  Otherwise,
<Click HERE> to view the Completed Questionnaires.
Thanks to Gary Rucker for devising the form and providing the blank forms.  Interestingly enough, Gary's is not included.

Classmate Info:
    <Click here> for a list of the Class of '72.         NOTE: This page might take a while to open due to the pictures on it.

If you would like, we can include personal info about you from this page.  Just E-mail whatever info you have and I will put it up on the Classmate Info page (link above).     E-mail to:  Jim@Strait.org  (attachments with photos are fine.)


Graduation Commencement program

Map to the graduation party

Senior class Wills

If you dont'have Adobe's Acrobat Reader installed, you will need it. Click the icon below for a free copy.

If you need an Acrobat Reader

Can you recognize anyone you know in this class photo of Mrs. Hoag's 2nd Grade class of 1962?  (722K jpg photo)


Kingman High School web page

Classmates.com  and Classmates.com class member list

Kingman Daily Miner

Mailing List:

Below is access to an E-mail Mailing List.  Please subscribe for open discussions among your classmates.  If you do not want to receive this much E-mail from us then you can set your subscription to read the posts from the Web at your leisure.

Enter your email to join KHS72 today!

Hosted By Topica

Read current Mailing List posts

Send E-Mail to all Subscribers by E-mailing:   KHS72@topica.com

You may have seen info from CLASSMATES.COM.    This page does not replace Classmates.com, it provides additional info.  Please us Classmates.com's features for things this page does not provide.

Webmaster: Jim Strait
E-Mail: Jim@Strait.org
(602) 242-9203
Phoenix, AZ